Vitalik was interviewed recently by Naval Ravikant regarding life, ETH and blockchains. There he was asked about his influence over the future direction of Ethereum and V-dog had this to say
“Naval: How much influence do you have on Eth today, especially compared to the DAO fork time? My sense was in the DAO fork, you were very involved. If something of that magnitude came up today, how much influence would you ever have relative to what you had then?
Vitalik: I feel like my influence in Ethereum keeps decreasing every six months. I have less now than I did six months ago. Six months ago, I had less than I had a year ago. And a year ago, I had less than I had 18 months ago.
These days the number of people that even I have to convince to push in a particular direction is significant. If you watch some of the EIPs that I personally promote, some of them don’t even make it. So for a lot of them you have to try pretty hard to satisfy all people’s concerns.
Naval: So what’s the biggest thing you’ve pushed that isn’t getting adopted?
Vitalik: EIP-4488 is one example. If I had more control it would have been in Ethereum already.
This just hit me as a fine example of how ETH’s growth has made it more and more decentralized to an extent where even the big V cant influence things unilaterally. Just as it should be.
submitted by /u/DrToxo
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