I have a theory! If any coin (and I mean even ETH or BigB) goes down enough, people here gonna fucking hate it!
You ever heard this sub’s official slogan? It’s fuck ADA! Why? Because half of us bought at 2$ when every moron was shouting ADA to 5$ by the end of 2021. And we got screwed. So people here hate ADA. It’s not about sunadeswap or slow transactions or lack of scalability. It is about losses.
I swear if ETH hits 1000$, half of “ETH is the future” crowd in here will suddenly realize it was always a scam.
With current world affairs and raging inflation and war and interest hike and coming regulations and…I really don’t think prices gonna recover anytime soon. So get ready for hundreds of posts shitting on every coin out there. Gonna be fun to watch how fast hype zombies turn into angry mobs.
submitted by /u/Successful_Craft3076
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