The market has a negative trend from 6 months, and flat (if you are very optimistic) for 1 year.
Now, we see the bad news coming out, Cro, Solana(again), and more will come. In a near future, people will ask, so much good news, why is it still crashing?
And its now cryptos fault, im very bullish on 2 to 3 years from nom. But right now, the post pandemic is hitting us. Same things are happening on stocks…. do you think wallstreetsbet is having a good time? No they dont if you dont get sarcasm.
Even real estate, I live in one of the craziest market in the USA and prices are still x2 what they are in Feb 2020, but it stops increasing . Its very telling.
Just be patient and look at the halving clock.
submitted by /u/badfishbeefcake
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