Welcome to first ever MoonPool event.
what is it? Its simple, we will be pooling moons and distributing among 7 winners [ ex: 5000 moons were raised, the 5000 moons will be distributed in a certain ratio to the winners]
The Pooled moons will be burned and the equivalent Moons will be taken from u/TheMoonDistributor
which will carry voting rights. THE MAX CAP FOR MOON FROM u/TheMoonDistributor WILL BE 5000
if the pool goes beyond 5000, 5000 moons will be burned from the pool and the rest will be used to distribute to the winners.
How to participate ?
Tip 50 moons to u/MoonContest (ADDRESS WILL BE PINNED IN THE COMMENTS) AND Comment that you have tipped. The winners will be randomly chosen by Reddit Raffler Manipulating by commenting without tipping will be disqualified Any tip below 50 moons will be disqualified No max limit, user can send as much as they want to increase the pool, but will not Increase their chances of winning. More pool = More Moons distributed No Usage of alts 0x3b3fc649F0291192140Bb8F87F7bB6dBa8727FF3 All the entries will be public and transparent
The winners will be chosen randomly and the prize ratio will be in 7:6:5:4:3:2:1
Users can participate till 4/05/2022 Wednesday
Draw will be on 6/05/2022 Friday
submitted by /u/MoonPoolContest
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