This sub is not a great place to get accurate information as to the state of the crypto market. We are mostly hopium injecting moon farmers here.
Truthfully the world is not in a good economic place right now, inflation is squeezing people’s budgets, war and covid are creating supply shortages, rates are set to rise. It’s a perfect storm.
The reality is people are having to adjust the budget and don’t have much to spare. Discretionary expenses are the first to go and unfortunately poor old crypto, being a speculative high risk asset class is one of the first to have money taken out of it.
If you want the truth it will get much worse here short term before it gets better. I am bullish on the long term trajectory, but short term expect the suicide hotline to be pinned to the top of this sub soon.
submitted by /u/Two_Pickachu_One_Cup
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