Warren Buffet was probably greatest investor in second half of XX century, a legend of investing. He is still very rich, but most of his investments were made decades ago. He have his Coca Cola stock since 1980’s. He can do nothing at this point and he still become richer, simply cause companies he invest into grow whole time. If he would start from 0 today, his investing style wouldn’t be so successful. He would never become rich, cause he invest in safest, most traditional investments. Nothing fancy, cause he believe investments should be least risky ones he can find. Something that will always be necessary and won’t change in long term like fast foods or finances.
Many of us forget his main rule is to never invest in things he doesn’t understand. That is why he missed internet boom in 1990’s. Later he admitted it was his biggest mistake. Why we treat people like him as some infalliable prophets in everything? Just cause they are rich and great stock investors doesn’t mean they know everything. Buffet at this point is just very old man, born in different era. Before crypto, before internet, and even before mass popularity of TV and planes. He bought his first stock in 1941, during wwII, it was 80 years ago… His past success doesn’t mean he understand modern world anymore.
And come one, would you even bother to try understanding some new technology being bilionaire in his age? I wouldn’t even work, probably would spend my last years on some tropical island doing nothing. Defintely nothing would concern me at this point. It wouldn’t be my problem if crypto will be successful, what wars currently happen somewhere far away etc.
Crypto is new technology, people that are now 80 or 90 years old: bankers, investors or politicians will die of old age in next maybe 10 years. But we will be left to live with all their mistakes they made. They should have enough dignity to leave world in hand of young generations. They had their own time, very long time to change world. They failed and they want us to fail too. What they do against crypto won’t harm them today, it will harm us tomorrow.
Did someone already old and filthy rich like Buffet even need to care about crypto? Nope. Crypto succceed or crypto fail he won’t see it anyway. But all those young or middle class aged people that trust and believe him will lose their future thanks to those stupid anti crypto and anti Bitcoins rants of another old, rich man.
submitted by /u/Nuewim
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