I’ve been doing a lot lately-for a few small projects, as well as a bunch of personal things. One of them is a “mini book” that I’ll probably release for my marketing business, PM Studios.
Any-hoo, one of the salient points of this was the interesting turn towards no just philosophy, but the ideas and how they tie into the world at large.
I’m no stranger to history, I find it fascinating now that I’m a little bit older, and looking at some of the decisions of world leaders and how that connects to philosophy in general. I never took the time to understand the human psyche. I’ve really only concentrated on my own. It’s amazing to take a look at people and realize the actions, the plans, and the way they react to situations.
I’ve also been listening and watching Russel Brand and his youtube channel. He does an amazing amount of research into topics that explain a lot of the nefarious machinations that are underlying some of the worlds richest people as well as how that ties into the overall condition of the world, I suppose. I could sum it up in a general sense that the Rich are not necessarily evil, but definitely cause problems. And this sense of rich vs poor has confounded the world for centuries and probably since the beginning of the human race. Especially since Econ law is being taught to lawyers, and they end up running the country. Anyway, I’ll have this summed up in another larger post, once I’m done with the previous “mini-book”. Also, take a look at MCS for the work I did on the “agamotto” eyeball. It’s nifty.