I missed a post in September. I would like to say that I was too busy, and that might be true considering, but the real problem is that I probably forgot and during a lazy moment I could have posted. Anyway, this one is about art.
I am trying to finish a few albums. I’m having a hard time. I should probably have already finished them by now, but I’m a perfectionist, and while I’m closer to the sound I want than any other time in history, I’m still feeling far away. Also-there’s the aspect of actually releasing the music. As a musician, releasing the music is still terrifying to me, because I’m releasing a piece of myself, so to speak, and within that, opens it up for judgement. Will people like it? Does it sound good?
That actually used to be my excuse when I was mixing. I probably should have had 2 or 3 albums released by now, but I’m constantly going back, refining, changing, and then reworking them. If you don’t release anything, you can’t be judged! But also, I realized that the point of the art is subjective. That’s obvious, but really, take a step back.
If you’re like me, you might think that it’s sacred and then again, releasing a part of you will make or break your world. But in all honesty, art is meant to be enjoyed, and nobody except me gives it that sacred pedal. If people like it, they’ll vibe to it. If they don’t, they move on. And that’s great, because you’re truly opening up the book of people that want to enjoy the art with you. I preach this in youtube/marketing philosophies, but still have a hard time allowing myself to realize that within my own scope of work. And also, sometimes: it sucks.
Which is the problem I’m having right now. I have all of this stuff lined up. But I’m singing it. I can play a mean guitar, program drums and the like. BUT I feel like I can’t sing. So I’m caught. Do I force this just to have this done? If everything but the vocals sounds good, is it truly done? I don’t know. I’m trying really hard to give it my best shot. I think that’s the final piece, actually. I’m not counting on this being a smashing commercial success, so I guess I’ll just have to release it with me singing and hope that if people love it, great. If someone else wants to sing it after that, even better. If not, then at least it’s done and out there and I’ll know that I gave it a shot. It just needs to be the BEST shot I can give it. So I’m back at the mic for at least a little while longer.
Bottom line is: Don’t be a slave to your fears.