
I never thought I’d be analytics nerd, but I really do enjoy traipsing over information in an effort to listen to myself think-er, prove my points and the world wrong. Anyways, the two things I have in question are this: There’s a huge debate on which states produce the best […]

Dune 2

I went into this movie not sure what to expect-I was excited by Dune, I love a good sci-fi movie, so I wanted to like this movie before it came out. I walked out like one of those memes. The majesty of the movie, the scale, the flow was incredible. […]

AI Zombies

There was an article out, “AI can let us talk to the dead”…in which AI companies took information from people and built a sort of crude chatbot of sorts to represent the dead person. There’s apparently a company that will film people and then create an AI bot from the […]

Op Ed Opinion

I have a bunch of stuff to write, and due to the New Year, I already feel backed up and what not so I’m just trying to get back on track. Here’s my thoughts on Claudine Gay and her situation, not that anyone asked. Claudine Gay recently wrote that the […]

The Creator

I watched the movie “The Creator” last night. The story was a little lackluster, a neo-matrix messiah deal with AI and humanity that left me with a few questions more than answers. Not that it sucked or anything, but I would have preferred some different world building scenarios that might […]


I’m not sure I’ve posted anything about wrestling, I probably have expounded on too many subjects and I’m too lazy to really look, BUT…! I’ve gotten back into coaching. I’ve missed the sport, and I’ve felt too out of shape, so I started working with a local club in my […]


I’m not sure which is more weird-the fact that we pretty much confirmed the existence of aliens this week, or that pretty much everyone is blase about it right now. I mean, I think most people at this point are accepting of aliens. I’m not sure why we’re much more […]