
Holy Hell (on purpose) I was not ready for this movie. My wife was just saying how she wanted to see a movie that surprised us, and I expected something completely different. I can’t spoil it because you should watch it, but Hugh Grant gives an awesome performance as a […]

Fight Club and Plato

Fight Club and Plato, a review of philosophy and Brad Pitt’s Physique.  An article came up, “” In which the author discusses the famous movie “Fight Club”. Much has been said and discussed about Fight Club, from Brad Pitt’s chiseled physique, to the concept, to the insane ending, that it […]

Social Sciences

This story tickles me to no end. Animals, in the wild, acting like…well like we do. I found it especially funny that the octopus punches the fish. Is that the universal language? Punching things? It must be, because as all species do, whether we can properly communication in clicks […]

A little bit darker

We all go through this journey called life, typically in our own patterns or ways that keep our focus on the daily tasks. At least we try to make things easy, creatures of habit and all, working the daily grind to stay alive and maybe focus on a little bit […]


I never thought I’d be analytics nerd, but I really do enjoy traipsing over information in an effort to listen to myself think-er, prove my points and the world wrong. Anyways, the two things I have in question are this: There’s a huge debate on which states produce the best […]