Since I commented on the whole Biles saga, I figured I might as well add an editorial missive on the Lia Thomas one as well. Why not? And my title is “life isn’t fair”. Let us begin; While trying to avoid hints of trans-phobia and mental and physical health issues, […]
It was only a Cat (short story)
Religion and the Modern Masses:
A documentary you should watch:
Wokeness Part 2
Why “Wokeness” has a PR Problem
Part 1: Even writing that word makes me cringe in a way. In my mid-thirties, I didn’t expect to be touting the “back in my day” trope yet, but here we are. I might even say it proudly when I tell my kids things. “Wokeness”- noun; a state of being aware, especially of social problems such as racism and inequality: The […]