I’ll probably cross post this to my business site, BUT

I read a term the other day called “lag metrics”. Everyone understands what lead metrics are, but the lag metrics are the things that lead to the lead metrics. If you want to be a writer, then you need to get into a habit of writing a page a day. By the time you write a book, the lag has allowed the lead to catch up.

I just like the sound of the habit forming activities, but it makes sense. Want to be thinner and run a marathon? Focus on just running. Run today, run tomorrow, run for 5 minutes, run for an hour. It makes a great deal of sense to get into habit forming activities that you WILL accomplish. IF you’re just saying it because you want to, then you won’t finish.

And that’s fine too-the study also mentions that fantasizing about accomplishing those goals actually releases the dopamine as if you accomplish it. Hence, when people dream about it, they feel like they can do it or will do it. It’s the difference between actually doing it and still dreaming about it that will ultimately make the difference in accomplishing those goals.