One thing I’ve learned about myself over the years is that I might have great or awesome ideas, but they mean very little, unless I finish them. And the main difference between a lot of people-business, art, creative, etc, is the issue of getting things done/out there. It’s easy to say that you can start a business-or do it better than someone else, but it’s a lot more difficult to maintain that momentum and make it something actually making money and worth doing.

People are for the most part lazy. I know that I can come up with brilliant ideas, but I put only half into them and less into the execution. Making things easier-the process, makes it a whole lot easier on yourself to actually do it. Making something isn’t as easy as it seems, and making it professional is a whole step beyond.

That being said, find a good system, a way to make it easier, and you might be able to get a lot more done.