As part of that documentary I watched, I noticed a few things about religion. Within a section they were explaining how religion teaches one to give their burdens to God. And to me, that was an interesting thing that we may be lacking in modern day society. With more and more people shunning religion (whether right or wrong, no judgement), they are also missing the benefits of the psychological tools that come with being able to deal with stressful society. More and more people are stressed with the daily life-the routine that we keep adding more and more things into. It’s never enough, and we seem to be pushing ourselves to the brink-a lot of self help and teaching tools today mention the fact that we continue to teach without education on the ability to cope with those stresses.
I don’t know if I believe in God or religious examples of him. I’m not sure what I believe- I know there’s a path, but I have no idea who created it or why we follow ours. I don’t think Jesus and the Bible relate to people in modern society very well. They may relate to the nature of people in general, however. I do believe that they have tools to help people cope, and a lot of people are missing out on those benefits unknowingly. And if we don’t teach those same tools without the religious influence, then those same people who shun religion will miss out on the psychological tools they need to continue to cope in the world. You don’t need to believe in this God or that God to know how to steady yourself and keep an even keel within your life. That’s probably the biggest lesson to make sure that you can stay happy, healthy and sane in this world.