I realized this, not necessarily that I haven’t before, but it was more profound recently. I changed up my primary guitars. I have a small stable, and each one plays differently. That sounds obvious, but sometimes you can have a guitar that’s built for rhythm playing, or an acoustic, which is not the wizard 3 neck that an Ibanez s series sports like a Ferrari. Changing up the guitar was interesting because my fingers weren’t in the same spot. So as I had to adjust my fingers and move them to “fit” the new neck, it made me realize how important it is to change things up in your life. A acoustic hardens your fingers, and makes it a little easier to play electric guitar. A wide guitar stretches your fingers, and makes them faster for playing.
Just like you wouldn’t use only one brush for a painting, it pays to take a step outside of your comfort zone, even if you’re an expert, in order to continue to grow your skills. Some people only have 1 thing available, and that’s ok too, but the more you can do, the more you can take advantage of the wide abilities of things out there and continue to become better at what you love to do.
I had a really nice bike for a long time. I got a new one, and a different “type” with fatter tires. It allows me to go more places, but it’s definitely not the same type of bike I was used to for 20 years. Embrace the change, and you’ll be able to ride the same distances with both.
Just a thought.