No sooner than I wrote that last post did the info leak about the repeal of Roe vs Wade. The interesting thing about that is that within that is the diatribe of the workers rights, contracts, and the 14th amendment concept of the “right to privacy”. Which also conveniently details the rights that Roe vs Wade culminated and addressed and makes this issue feel weirdly prescient.
The right to privacy of one’s own body is my guess. Before this point in the early 1900’s, again, workers and people were subjected to business and the “right of contract” and the corruption within those rights is an interesting subject.
People don’t like history for some reason, but I find it fascinating the older that I get. I see the parallels within history and to me, it seems like we’re heading back to those same eras that we defeated maybe 100-120 years ago. Workers fought hard for their labor rights and laws. Strikes were regular things. Politicians made careers off of finally “cleaning the corruption machine”. And even now, with those laws SEEMINGLY entrenched, we see the rise of the new political mandates and machines. We’ve been eroding rights since the 1980s and it’s finally coming to roost in the other direction.
I don’t think it has anything directly to do with abortion. When 70% of the country wants abortion rights to be protected, the main point of this new sinister roll back can only be something that has deeper concerns with our rights to privacy and bodies. I hate to even sound like some conspiracy nut, but there’s something more that corporations and politicians are aiming for. I don’t think it’s the vaccine-the amount that’s already been disbursed is saturated, so for me, the only logical conclusion is the ability for the invasion of privacy. Maybe data gathering-legally and officially, like China and creating a social database is the goal. Maybe we’re working back towards corporate slavery. Or it could be a giant smoke screen for something going on behind the scenes, like another economic crash.
Either way, YAY!