Concerts during COVID times…


Social Distancing will increase the need for better cameras and camerawork…through “corona concerts”…

That now infamous chainsmokers concert is a great example of what NOT to do during COVID and social distancing.

Here’s a thought experiment; how do we get it right? Assuming that you WANT to produce an in-person concert during corona, what would you do to make sure that it CAN be done?

Well, number one is that you need to ensure that there’s distance. A car concert is something that’s pretty new, and while radical, it’s not out of the ordinary. People have definitely done car concerts before, as well as having drive ins that have fallen out of favor the past few years, you definitely have some options. I even know of drive-in lots that are in low use or limited use.

So, once you have some space, you can set up the stage. You’ll need some loud speakers, but another options is that you’ll definitely want to have the audio pumped through the radio stations the same way the drive-ins do it. So you have a good speaker array, a radio channel to broadcast the event on.

But the distance is a problem. How do you showcase the action up close? Again, cameras. But cameramen need to be close to the people, so how do you showcase an event with cameras? Well, you use robotic or PTZ cameras on mounts. You could even use a camera on a track with a dolly, and if it’s motorized, it will require just a dolly operation and not a man upfront to film. Then, you project this on to a big screen-similar to the drive-in, and you can effectively showcase a concert. This could work for a comedian too, or a comedy set, provided you’re careful with the mic and etc.

It’s actually not much different than what’s done now for big time concerts. Most have a camera/operator system along with the mixer that showcases the action. But those are for large, large concerts with budgets in the roof. How can you showcase this for small concerts or venues that don’t have that kind of money?

Well, this obviously only works for concerts that can generate that kind of attention. It’s a place that will require a good amount of space and rental, and a whole crew that will make sure that it’s broadcast to a large screen or projection system. A few cameras, a video mixer, and a crew or person running the entire op can cost a pretty penny, but it can also pale in the comparison that providing live entertainment when you’re the only game in town is an interesting proposition. Or for the concept of raising money for a cause, like covid 19 itself. ANNNNNDDD, if you’re using a nifty setup like the Atem Mini, you can also broadcast that event live online, for the same cause and same idea.

To give a small idea: 100 cars coming in at $50 per car will generate $5000. For people starving for live entertainment, this is an enticing proposition for any small promoter. And that’s not including the ability to sell food, or anything else that is safe for the event, as well as showcasing new technologies, like ordering from your car, payment systems, or more. With the ability to create events and showcase things in today’s day and age, technology is wonderful.


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